What is God’s Amazing Grace?

Grace is more than the song, Amazing Grace. Yet the words of that song resound with the truth. If you are not familiar with the words, click here. What is amazing about God’s grace is that it is a free gift. It is God reaching out to us. Yes, reaching out while we were yet […]

Is heaven real or a myth?

The Bible says that heaven is a real place prepared for all who love God and have trusted in Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. ( See Revelation 21:1). Heaven is beyond human description although some have been given glimpses of it. The best reference on what heaven could be like is found in […]

Can You know God personally?

The answer is yes. In the beginning Adam walked and talked and fellowshipped with God every day. That was how God intended life to be for every person ever born; to actually know God personally. Unfortunately, Adam sinned when he disobeyed God’s one and only rule. Sin then separated man from God. The “ good […]

If God is love, how could he condemn anyone to hell?

God doesn’t send anyone to hell. People choose to go there when they reject Jesus Christ. Surprised by that answer? you shouldn’t be. God is both loving and just. He won’t force anyone to love him. In fact, he allows all to to pursue the longings of their lives. People who want nothing to do with God in […]