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A Message to be Shared

Thank you for being a part of Living Dialog Ministries and for helping us grow this ministry through the purchase of Answers to Your Greatest Questions. Many of you are ongoing supporters of this ministry and we appreciate your prayers and support.

Here below find a link to a downloadable document that deals with the many ways that the content in Answers can be used in the lives of believers and non-believers alike. We would also like to encourage you to share this entire book with others. You may do this in several ways. You could:

Share this website by logging into your preferred social media channels, navigate to your favorite page and then click on any of the social media share links found there.

purchase additional copies and simply place them in the hands of those who would gain the most benefit from Answers to Your Greatest Questions.
share in a Bible study the truths explained in Answers to Your Greatest Questions, citing it as a source.
share a copy with your pastor. As its content is used in sermons and messages and it is mentioned as a source, he/she will expose others to Answers to Your Greatest Questions
The Apostle Paul said in 2 Timothy 4:2 “Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season” (NIV). We pray that this book will help you and others to “be prepared”. May God bless you in your faithfulness to Him.