What is God’s Amazing Grace?

Grace is more than the song, Amazing Grace. Yet the words of that song resound with the truth. If you are not familiar with the words, click here.

What is amazing about God’s grace is that it is a free gift. It is God reaching out to us. Yes, reaching out while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us (see Romans 5:8). A gift offered to all who accept Jesus as Savior and Lord. God’s grace is his unmerited favor bestowed upon repentant sinners. People can do nothing to earn it nor do they deserve it. It is an expression of God’s love for the world he created (see John 3:16).  God has made loving him a simple act. As the first verse of the song says:

Amazing Grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now am found was blind but now I see.

Those who reject God’s grace and mercy will experience His judgment and His justice. Again with free will the choice is up to each person; accept or reject. Choose wisely.

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