If God exists, why does life hurt so much?

Humans by nature are not perfect. In the beginning, God gave men and women the freedom to make choices and they chose to disobey God. Thus, sin entered the world and as a result of sin, there is hurtfulness. The good news is that when we draw on a source beyond ourselves for strength and […]
What is the meaning of life and why am I here?

God made people to love him with all their hearts, minds and souls and to love each other in the same way as we love ourselves. We were created foremost to bring glory to God, to be in right relationship to him and to worship him. We are here on earth to grow physically, mentally […]
Did Jesus come back from the dead?

There is a body of scholarly evidence that proves that a man named Jesus walked the earth, had many followers and was crucified. Christians believe that after being pronounced dead and buried for three days, Jesus arose from the dead. There is powerful, scholarly evidence that he was witnessed by hundreds, including his disciples, over […]
If God is in control, why can’t he destroy Satan?

It’s a good question. God could eliminate Satan anytime and plans to do so on his timetable. Until then, we will all struggle and endure Satan’s schemes. As humans, it is our desire to have the one who leads us to temptation removed so we no longer sin or are tempted. However, Satan is not […]
Does God exist?

If the vastness of the universe, the beauty of the world and the innocent touch of a baby are creations, there must be a creator. The evidence of God is present everywhere around us. How could anything so perfectly engineered be mere happenstance? When we accept that the intricacy of the universe in which we […]
How does One Become a Christian?

There is only one way to become a Christian. We must sincerely invite Jesus into our lives to be Lord and Savior, and allow ourselves to be born anew. When we do, we find new life in Jesus Christ and become a child of God. Through this transformation we find peace, joy and courage to […]
Why would anyone want to follow Jesus?

Life is about choices. We can choose to continue with business as usual, enjoying success based on the standards defined by our culture. Or we can take an honest look at the Jesus of the Bible and dare to ask what the consequences might be if we really believed and obeyed him. Each and every […]

In today’s pluralistic culture it is popular to say every religion provides a pathway to the Divine. The insistence that a single tradition is “right” seems reactionary, regressive and overly righteous. In the Christian faith, the belief in Jesus being “the way, the truth, and the life in which no one comes to the Father […]

It would be nice to think that God looks at our lives and is keeping score between our good acts and those that are not.Do more good than bad and you get an automatic “get into heaven free” card. But in the Christian faith your assurance of eternal life is much easier. According to the […]

Interestingly, the greatest mystery of life is about what happens when we die. Some believe that after we die, there is nothing. Yet for those who have placed their faith in Jesus Christ, death is the door that leads from one life to a far greater life. Christians believe that when our physical body dies […]