Life's 12 basic questions


Your Life


What is the meaning of life and why am I here?

God made people to love him with all their hearts, minds and souls and to love each other in the same way as we love ourselves. We were created foremost to bring glory to God, to be in right relationship to him and to worship him. We are here on earth to grow physically, mentally and spiritually.

Why would anyone want to follow Jesus?

All humans sin. God knew when He created us that we would not be perfect. Even with our best intentions we still sin. Only God has the authority to forgive sins.

How does one become a Christian?

There is only one way to become a Christian. We must sincerely invite Jesus into our lives to be Lord and Savior, and allow ourselves to be born anew. When we do, we find new life in Jesus Christ and become a child of God.

How can I stop sinning?

Humans by nature are not perfect. In the beginning, God gave men and women the freedom to make choices and they chose to disobey God. Thus, sin entered the world and as a result of sin, there is hurtfulness.




What happens when I die?

God made people to love him with all their hearts, minds and souls and to love each other in the same way as we love ourselves. We were created foremost to bring glory to God, to be in right relationship to him and to worship him. We are here on earth to grow physically, mentally and spiritually.

If I am good, do I go to heaven?

All humans sin. God knew when He created us that we would not be perfect. Even with our best intentions we still sin. Only God has the authority to forgive sins.

Don’t all religions offer a pathway to God?

Humans by nature are not perfect. In the beginning, God gave men and women the freedom to make choices and they chose to disobey God. Thus, sin entered the world and as a result of sin, there is hurtfulness.

How can a loving God condemn anyone to hell?

There is only one way to become a Christian. We must sincerely invite Jesus into our lives to be Lord and Savior, and allow ourselves to be born anew. When we do, we find new life in Jesus Christ and become a child of God.


god & jesus


Does God exist?

God made people to love him with all their hearts, minds and souls and to love each other in the same way as we love ourselves. We were created foremost to bring glory to God, to be in right relationship to him and to worship him. We are here on earth to grow physically, mentally and spiritually.

If God exists, why does life hurt so much?

All humans sin. God knew when He created us that we would not be perfect. Even with our best intentions we still sin. Only God has the authority to forgive sins.

Did Jesus come back from the dead?

Humans by nature are not perfect. In the beginning, God gave men and women the freedom to make choices and they chose to disobey God. Thus, sin entered the world and as a result of sin, there is hurtfulness.

If God is in control, why can’t he destroy Satan?

There is only one way to become a Christian. We must sincerely invite Jesus into our lives to be Lord and Savior, and allow ourselves to be born anew. When we do, we find new life in Jesus Christ and become a child of God.