Will the ‘lost or unsaved’ have bodies in Hell or only tormented souls?

This is another most intriguing and somewhat perplexing question. It has been considered many times down through the ages by Christians and non-Christians alike. Back in 1320 AD Dante wrote the book, Divine Comedy, and it was published finally in 1472 AD. It describes his view of what torment might be like in various levels […]

If I’m good, do I go to heaven?

If I live my life to the best of my ability, when I die, I’ll be going to heaven, right? Unfortunately, that’s not right. None of us can live perfect lives. We can never be good enough to enter heaven. We read in the Bible that “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of […]

Why did Jesus wait four days before raising Lazarus from the dead?

This is a profound question that deals with both Christ’s purposes, Jewish traditions and beliefs of the Pharisees, the religious leaders of the day. The story of Lazarus’s death and his being brought back to life by Jesus is recorded in John11:1-43. This miracle is very different from the two previous occasions where Jesus brought […]

Must a Christian accept all of the Apostles’ Creed?

The Apostles’ Creed is among the oldest statements of the beliefs of Christians. It may have been used during baptisms of Christians in Rome. Through the centuries it has been clarified and translated into every known language used by Christians worldwide. It served as the basis for future creeds, such as the Nicene Creed which […]

Is the War in Israel a sign of the End Times?

When we are confronted with the terror of war either personally or vicariously through the media and stories told by others, we begin to wonder if these are the last days described in the Bible. They could be. Certainly, for those killed by the terrorists and those who have died and will die during the […]

What is the Rapture ?

The Bible contains writings that describe a future event that is often referred to as The Rapture (taking up.) Paul, the apostle of Jesus, in his letter to the church in the Greek city of Thessaloniki, described the event this way: According to the Lord’s word, we tell you that we who are still alive, […]

Is Hell a real place?

The simple answer is yes. The Bible makes more references, over 65, to hell than to heaven. It is described as a place of eternal torment, utter darkness, constant weeping, no water to quench one’s thirst and a place of eternal fire. There are personal true testimonies of people who had out-of-body experiences and were […]

What will Christian bodies be like after the Resurrection?

The apostle Paul writing to the church in Corinth answered this question in 1 Corinthians 15:35-52. He uses the analogy of the seed and the flower. Our earthly bodies are like the seed. Our heavenly bodies are like the flower. The seed and the flower are very different as our earthly bodies and our heavenly […]

Is Reincarnation the same as being “Born Again”?

More than one billion Hindus and Buddhists believe that the human soul never perishes or dies, it simply passes through a succession of lives. This concept became popular in India about 800 BC and through the centuries has become central to the teachings of several Eastern religions.  Believers in reincarnation once believed that depending upon […]