What do Christians Believe?

Merriam-Webster’s dictionary defines belief as “to accept something as true, genuine, or real.” Another of its definitions is “to have a firm or wholehearted religious conviction or persuasion: to regard the existence of God as a fact.” When we, as Christians, use the word believe, we think of the second definition, the idea that we […]

Did Jesus go to hell?

In the Apostles’ Creed one phrase that often sparks curiosity and theological discussion is “He descended into hell” or, in the version we’re using, “He descended to the dead.” This phrase, nestled between Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection, carries profound theological significance. The phrase “descended into hell” has its roots in early Christian writings and creeds. […]

Will the ‘lost or unsaved’ have bodies in Hell or only tormented souls?

This is another most intriguing and somewhat perplexing question. It has been considered many times down through the ages by Christians and non-Christians alike. Back in 1320 AD Dante wrote the book, Divine Comedy, and it was published finally in 1472 AD. It describes his view of what torment might be like in various levels […]

Why did Jesus talk more about hell than heaven?

Jesus spoke more of Hell than Heaven but we do know He spoke a lot about both.You know God tells us that He loved us so much that “… while we were still sinners Christ died for us.” (Rom 5:8). So God’s purpose for each of us is to bring us into a present and […]

Is Hell a real place?

The simple answer is yes. The Bible makes more references, over 65, to hell than to heaven. It is described as a place of eternal torment, utter darkness, constant weeping, no water to quench one’s thirst and a place of eternal fire. There are personal true testimonies of people who had out-of-body experiences and were […]

Is Reincarnation the same as being “Born Again”?

More than one billion Hindus and Buddhists believe that the human soul never perishes or dies, it simply passes through a succession of lives. This concept became popular in India about 800 BC and through the centuries has become central to the teachings of several Eastern religions.  Believers in reincarnation once believed that depending upon […]

What happens to people who never hear about Jesus?

Unfortunately, they will be forever cut off from the presence of God. Christ himself make this abundantly clear when he says, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” [John. 14:6] The Apostle, Peter, clearly explained this to the religious leaders in Jerusalem after […]


Interestingly, the greatest mystery of life is about what happens when we die. Some believe that after we die, there is nothing. Yet for those who have placed their faith in Jesus Christ, death is the door that leads from one life to a far greater life. Christians believe that when our physical body dies […]


The idea of a loving God choosing to torment people in eternal hell is not only difficult to accept, it is simply not true according to God’s Word. The Bible teaches that God is love and yet it warns that those who choose to reject God’s offer of salvation, face everlasting punishment. Because humans are […]

What is Eternal Life?

As you let Jesus transform your life into his image you will see and experience life as you never could have imagined. Then you have eternal life and your spirit/soul will never die. It will go to heaven where one day you will get a glorious new eternal body. That is the good news of the […]