What is the Christian Worldview regarding Science and History?

People often question how life and the universe began.  Many who put their faith in science and history believe that Christians have a non-scientific worldview.  However, Christians also believe in science and history BUT they realize that neither science nor history are infallible.  Men of science make mistakes, scientific journals may be biased, and history […]

Creation or Evolution In the Origin of Man?

Most people wrongly assume that science supports evolution as the explanation for the origin of man and that the Bible ‘s description is without any scientific support. Consider that the theory of evolution born out of the writings of Charles Darwin in the 19th century in now undergoing a considerable re-think based on 20th and […]

Where does God reside? How can God be omnipresent?

God doesn’t live anywhere. He is everywhere and as far as his ability to be omnipresent, it is impossible to know such a thing or else we would be god like. However, once we recognize that god is a transcendent being and operates outside of time and space as we know it, it is easy […]

What is God Like?

We can never fully understand God, but we have glimpses and hints of what he is like. The creation speaks of his creative power and glory. Just look at sun rises and sunsets. The macro and micro worlds are beyond our understanding. The human body is such a marvelous creation that science and medicine will […]

Why was Jesus born in a stable?

The short answer is he probably wasn’t. The more important answer is that there was a reason for the humble birth of God’s son–a reason that predates time itself. First, let’s address the place of Christ’s birth. Joseph and his betrothed wife, Mary most likely walked the 100 miles from Jerusalem to Bethlehem in a […]

How could God make something–creation–out of nothing?

This is a frequently asked question and in a way a mystery but there is a simple answer…because He is God and He can. As such, He is the Creator of all and has existed forever. In the Bible God is referred to as, I Am. But, a more explanatory answer is that He is […]