What’s good about Good Friday?

There is nothing good about Good Friday until you see it from God’s perspective. Jesus didn’t have to give himself up to be crucified on a Roman cross. He didn’t have to die. However, he loved you and me so much that he chose to die in our place so that we would not have […]

What Does it Mean to Have Your Sins Forgiven?

Sin is an intentional or unintentional thought or act that separates us from our relationship with God or our oneness with God. It can be generally characterized as any serious failure in thought or deed that could have been avoided. At a minimum, it is a failure to live up to God’s standards starting with […]

How can I stop sinning?

All humans sin. God knew when He created us that we would not be perfect. Even with our best intentions we still sin. Only God has the authority to forgive sins. God loves us so much that he sent Jesus, his only son, to walk the earth and make the perfect sacrifice so that we […]

Why do I need redemption?

Whether you believe it or not, your sin has condemned you to an eternal life separated from God. Whenever men and women turn their backs on God, evil fills the vacuum with hate, misery, pain, suffering, and alienation supplanting love, joy, happiness and belonging. Therefore, a wise person would recognize the importance of redemption. Redemption […]

Should Christians try to convert those of other religions?

Yes, and No. While Jesus commanded his followers to go and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19), he taught and demonstrated that it is God, not Christians, who does the converting. Christians are to be Jesus’ ambassadors to the world bringing the Good News of the Gospel that Jesus alone saves. God does all […]

How tolerant should a Christian be of other viewpoints?

Understanding what you mean by tolerance is an important first step in answering this question. Tolerance once meant a free and open discussion in search of the truth. Modern science is based on searching for the truth. Tolerance used to be a respectful discourse open to “all points of view”. Today, however, the word has […]

Why doesn’t God fix racism?

We’re first going to have to define racism. Merriam-Webster’s dictionary lists as its first definition: “a belief that race is a fundamental determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race” Some say that racism is more than a belief but is a practice of implementing laws and policies or […]

Why is there so much personal conflict these days?

While the pandemic seems to have exacerbated interpersonal conflicts, they have been around forever. Once Adam and Eve turned their backs on God and sin entered the world, conflicts were inevitable, and it wasn’t long before Cain killed his brother. Not all disagreements spiral out of control and end in a loss of life, but […]

How can a person be seen as righteous before God?

The dictionary defines righteous as “morally right or justifiable.” The question could be phrased what do I need to do to be seen by God as justified to be in his presence. Since God cannot tolerate sin, the question can further be asked, what can I do so that God sees me as someone who […]

Why is pornography such a bad thing?

 The Apostle Paul in Philippians 4:8 says, “whatever is true, whatever is right whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think about such things. Certainly, by any reasonable measure, pornography is not any of these things! Looking at pornographic material can lead to sins of the flesh, lust […]