I’m afraid of the virus, is that normal?

Yes. Fear is part of the fallen human condition. When we are confronted with something that may alter our future, we become fearful. With the 24-hour news cycle reminding us of ever-increasing numbers of cases of COVID-19, blasting out stories of deaths and body bags, and reminding us of our dire financial straits, fear is […]

What does it mean that Jesus is our Advocate?

Webster’s Dictionary defines advocate as “one who argues or pleads for a cause or proposal.” A picture of an advocate is a lawyer pleading a case before a judge for a favorable verdict for a client. This is what Jesus is for us, our advocate with God the Father. We find the word advocate in […]

What’s the meaning of “The Fruit of the Spirit is Love”?

When a person decides to enter into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ he or she receives the gift of the Holy Spirit. This is a new life that one finds only in Jesus. In other words, a person is ‘born again’ and becomes a new creation in Christ. The Bible clearly states in Galatians […]

What does it mean, the fruit of the Spirit is love?

The Bible verse you are referring to is from a letter that the apostle Paul wrote to fellow Christians in the city of Galatia, in what is now central Turkey. … the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Galatians 5:22,23 Paul explains that when you ask […]

What Can a Person do to have a Clean Heart?

There is a familiar quote that says, “Cleanliness is next to Godliness.” We know from life experiences that when something or someone needs gets soiled a bath or a cleaning up is required. We wash clothes, dishes, cars and of course our bodies to keep them clean and get the dirt out. In some fashion […]

Does God Still Speak to Us?

In the Bible, there are many references to times where God personally interacted with humans. A few of the examples were Adam, Abraham, Jeremiah, and Moses. God still speaks to us today in many different ways. The most common way now is by reading His inspired Word, the Bible. It’s often said, if you want […]

What does it mean to have a Transformational Encounter with Jesus Christ?

Let’s start with a definition. Transform means to make a thorough or dramatic change in the form, outward appearance and character of a person. So, looking at it from God’s perspective, the first step in the transformational process is to personally commit your life to Jesus Christ. You will then know that He and His […]

Does becoming a Christian mean my life will be easy?

Two weeks ago we addressed the question, “Why is life so hard?” We regularly need to be reminded that at times life can be difficult. There is no way around that. We live in a fallen world where sin reigns mostly due to our human nature and our own choices. Sometimes the choices that others […]

How can I discover God’s Plan for my life as a Christian?

Discovery questions like this one suggest that an adventure lies ahead. Indeed, discovering God’s plan for one’s life is the greatest journey a person can ever undertake. It is often revealed in phases over one’s lifetime as a Christian matures in their faith. Finding your purpose in life and living it with a passion is […]