What is evil?

People use the word evil to describe all sorts of behavior. More often than not, evil is associated with people other than themselves or with actions with which they disagree. Politicians are labeled as evil when they take a position that is at odds with the person or group calling them evil. Some people argue […]

Was Jesus Resurrection real? Is He alive today?

Yes and yes. All of Christianity hinges on the answer to this question. If there was no resurrection, there would be no Christianity. Few events in antiquity are as well documented as the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Anointed One. All of Christianity hinges on the answer to this question. If there […]

What’s good about Good Friday?

There is nothing good about Good Friday until you see it from God’s perspective. Jesus didn’t have to give himself up to be crucified on a Roman cross. He didn’t have to die. However, he loved you and me so much that he chose to die in our place so that we would not have […]

Did God create heaven and earth?

The first belief statement in the Apostles Creed is: I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth. The first words recorded in the Bible are: “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” (Genesis 1:1) Everything else proceeds from that declaration. God is infinite. Before anything was created, he existed. When he […]

Who were the three kings from the Orient who visited baby Jesus?

The popular Christmas carol, “We Three Kings of Orient Are” is most likely inaccurate for two reasons: the visitors probably weren’t rulers of nations, nor are they likely to have come from what we think of as the Orient, western Asia. The Kings or “Magi” were most probably Zoroastrian astrologers who were advisers to the […]

Why did Jesus come as a baby?

Jesus was with God when the universe was created. He was the instrument of creation of everything, including mankind, with whom he wanted to have a relationship, and on whom he could bestow his love and affection. However, man abused the relationship and rebelled and in the process became lost to God’s companionship and his […]

Why do we celebrate Christmas in December?

The winter celebration of the birth of Christ dates first appears on a Roman calendar in 336 AD, centuries after the event took place. Scholars believe that there may have been an attempt to co-opt an existing pagan festival that marked the coming of the light after the shortest day of the year. Clues in […]

What is the primary difference between Christianity and all other world religions?

The person of Jesus Christ and the Holy Bible differentiates Christianity. The cross of Christ forever bridged the gap between sinners and a Holy God. The Bible, rightly called the book that made our world, has inspired the best of Western civilization: science, technology, education, and political and economic freedom. Because we are made in […]

Is God Still active and involved in His creation? Part 2

Last week we covered God’s involvement in His creation up to the coming of Christ. After a silence period of 400 hundred years, God again appeared and became actively involved to complete a plan He had before the creation of the world. So let’s now look at what we observe God doing after this silent […]

Aren’t Atheists and Agnostics pretty much the same?

No. An atheist doesn’t believe in the existence of God and generally dismisses the supernatural. By contrast, an agnostic is one who does not know if God exists and believes that some things, God, for example, are unknowable. Since both of these terms regularly come up in news and literature, on TV and the Internet, […]