What is evil?

People use the word evil to describe all sorts of behavior. More often than not, evil is associated with people other than themselves or with actions with which they disagree. Politicians are labeled as evil when they take a position that is at odds with the person or group calling them evil. Some people argue […]

Why did Jesus talk more about hell than heaven?

Jesus spoke more of Hell than Heaven but we do know He spoke a lot about both.You know God tells us that He loved us so much that “… while we were still sinners Christ died for us.” (Rom 5:8). So God’s purpose for each of us is to bring us into a present and […]

Was Jesus Resurrection real? Is He alive today?

Yes and yes. All of Christianity hinges on the answer to this question. If there was no resurrection, there would be no Christianity. Few events in antiquity are as well documented as the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Anointed One. All of Christianity hinges on the answer to this question. If there […]

Why did Jesus wait four days before raising Lazarus from the dead?

This is a profound question that deals with both Christ’s purposes, Jewish traditions and beliefs of the Pharisees, the religious leaders of the day. The story of Lazarus’s death and his being brought back to life by Jesus is recorded in John11:1-43. This miracle is very different from the two previous occasions where Jesus brought […]

Why did Jesus come as a baby?

Jesus was with God when the universe was created. He was the instrument of creation of everything, including mankind, with whom he wanted to have a relationship, and on whom he could bestow his love and affection. However, man abused the relationship and rebelled and in the process became lost to God’s companionship and his […]

What does the Bible say about conflict resolution?

This life is tough and the hardest things are relationships, especially when they aren’t healthy. For the most part, we can control ourselves and our actions; we can’t (or shouldn’t) control others. People offend us and we will get hurt. There’s no hiding from that. Sometimes, it’s intentional and other times it’s not; sometimes they […]

What is a Worldly Christian?

The question is sort of an enigma or even an oxymoron. We wonder how this could be true, but it is sadly to say frequently true. Too often it is difficult to distinguish Christian believers from non-Christians. Why? Values and behaviors seem similar. Church groups are plagued with the same problems as secular groups. Christians […]

How does one acquire wisdom from God?

First we must believe in God and trust in Him before we can acquire wisdom from God. To know God, we must have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and have accepted Him as Lord and Savior. In the Bible, in Colossians 2:3 we are told that in Christ are hidden all the treasures of […]

What Does it Mean to Have Your Sins Forgiven?

Sin is an intentional or unintentional thought or act that separates us from our relationship with God or our oneness with God. It can be generally characterized as any serious failure in thought or deed that could have been avoided. At a minimum, it is a failure to live up to God’s standards starting with […]

What is the primary difference between Christianity and all other world religions?

The person of Jesus Christ and the Holy Bible differentiates Christianity. The cross of Christ forever bridged the gap between sinners and a Holy God. The Bible, rightly called the book that made our world, has inspired the best of Western civilization: science, technology, education, and political and economic freedom. Because we are made in […]