What are the glorious riches in Christ that Paul writes about?

In writing to the church in the Greek city of Philippi, Paul commends the saints and thanks them for their support of his ministry. In closing, he assures them “my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:19) That’s a pretty bold statement and yet […]

Why am I afraid to share my Christian Faith?

Sharing your Christian faith involves risk and potential failure. Sometimes it could even be embarrassing. Yet there is an urgency about sharing your faith in Christ with those you care about because we don’t know who else might tell them. Without faith in Christ, if they die, they are condemned to eternal separation from God […]

Is the war in Europe a sign of the End Times?

When we are confronted with the terror of war either personally or vicariously through the media and stories told by others, we begin to wonder if these are the last days described in the Bible. They could be. Certainly, for those killed in the conflict, they have experienced their end time on earth. But as […]

What does it mean to have faith in God?

The object of your faith reveals your heart, your earnest desire.  Faith alone is just a statement without substance.  You should want to trust in something or someone that is true and checks out with reality. In the Christian faith, Jesus Christ is the object of a person’s faith. Jesus’ life teachings, miracles, death on […]

Did Kings really come to see baby Jesus?

The popular Christmas carol, “We Three Kings of Orient Are” is most likely inaccurate for two reasons: the visitors probably weren’t rulers of nations, nor are they likely to have come from what we think of as the Orient, eastern Asia. The Kings or “Magi” were most probably Zoroastrian astrologers who were advisers to the […]

Why is the birth of Jesus “Good News”?

In a world where daily headlines shout bad news 24/7, there remains one story that is not just good news, but the best news for all of mankind for all time. That good news of Christmas dates back to the creation of the world by God and the creation of man, the only creature who […]

Why celebrate the birth of Jesus in December?

The winter celebration of the birth of Christ dates first appears on a Roman calendar in 336 AD, centuries after the event took place. Scholars believe that there may have been an attempt to co-opt an existing pagan festival that marked the coming of the light after the shortest day of the year. Clues in […]

How could Jesus be born to a virgin?

The Bible explains what is known as the virgin birth. She became pregnant not through a man, but through a supernatural act of God. “This is how the birth of Jesus the Messiah came about: His mother Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph, but before they came together, she was found to be […]

Who made God? How is He eternal?

God has always existed. He is omnipresent, meaning he has no beginning or end. God is known as the Great I Am! That means always was, is now and always will be. Eternal. It is very difficult for us to comprehend, because we live within “time” and are constrained by it limits.  God existed before […]