When do children become accountable for their sin nature?

Jesus blessed ‘little children’. He even said, “Such is the Kingdom of Heaven.” He certainly would never bless someone going to hell. The root question is, does God treat willful knowledgeable disobedient sin differently from our inherited sin nature from Adam? We don’t know. Jesus said, ”I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life. […]

How tolerant should a Christian be of other viewpoints?

Understanding what you mean by tolerance is an important first step in answering this question. Tolerance once meant a free and open discussion in search of the truth. Modern science is based on searching for the truth. Tolerance used to be a respectful discourse open to “all points of view”. Today, however, the word has […]

What is Purgatory?

Purgatory is a false teaching that says that after people die they get a second chance to go to heaven. Supposedly, after death a person enters a state of limbo between heaven and hell where a purging takes place and that there are things a person can do, or that others can do for him, […]

In a world of disinformation, how do we know what is true?

Disinformation, also called lying, is as old as man…and woman. Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?” The woman said to the serpent, “We may eat […]

How do we know that Jesus was a real historical figure?

The historical writings of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Paul and Peter are among the best preserved and attested to of all ancient writings. However, for those who seek additional corroboration of the historical Jesus, one of the best sources is Josephus. This Jewish historian, who was born in Jerusalem in AD 37 and died in […]

Why should I follow Jesus?

Life is about choices. Decisions we make have outcomes that impact our lives, influence our behaviors, our beliefs and our relationships with others. We can choose to continue with business as usual, enjoying success based on the standards defined by our secular culture. Or, we can take an honest look at Jesus of the Bible […]

Why am I afraid to share my Christian Faith?

Sharing your Christian faith involves risk and potential failure. Sometimes it could even be embarrassing. Yet there is an urgency about sharing your faith in Christ with those you care about because we don’t know who else might tell them. Without faith in Christ, if they die, they are condemned to eternal separation from God […]

Should Christians Celebrate Valentine’s Day?

While it is hard to argue against love, Christians should ask themselves, “what makes this day special?” Modern society has so commercialized this day that people are often caught up in the “obligation” to buy something or act in some way as to show their love for someone else. People get hurt when they feel […]

Why is there so much personal conflict these days?

While the pandemic seems to have exacerbated interpersonal conflicts, they have been around forever. Once Adam and Eve turned their backs on God and sin entered the world, conflicts were inevitable, and it wasn’t long before Cain killed his brother. Not all disagreements spiral out of control and end in a loss of life, but […]