What is God Like?

We can never fully understand God, but we have glimpses and hints of what he is like. The creation speaks of his creative power and glory. Just look at sun rises and sunsets. The macro and micro worlds are beyond our understanding. The human body is such a marvelous creation that science and medicine will […]

What is the Biblical Concept of Sanctification?

Sanctification is a very important concept or process to understand in the life of a Christian. It’s much more than just a fancy word of the Christian faith. Sanctification simply means “to be set apart” for God’s exclusive possession as a reminder to us of God’s redeeming Grace made for our salvation. That gift of […]

How can I discover God’s Plan for my life as a Christian?

Discovery questions like this one suggest that an adventure lies ahead. Indeed, discovering God’s plan for one’s life is the greatest journey a person can ever undertake. It is often revealed in phases over one’s lifetime as a Christian matures in their faith. Finding your purpose in life and living it with a passion is […]