Is God still active and involved in His creation?

Now by its very nature this question implies that the questioner thinks God was once active in his creation but questions whether God is still involved. It also signifies that the questioner does not see any evidence of God’s activity today. If God is still involved what is the evidence?

We need to examine our time perspective in relation to God’s. The scientific interpretation of the Genesis description of Creation is that the universe was created out of nothing about 13.8 billion years ago. Earth was created 4.8 billion years ago. Homo sapiens, man, represented by Adam, have been on earth about 40,000 years. In terms of God’s total activity with creation under this interpretation, man’s time on earth and God’s revelation of himself to man has been a tiny fraction of the time God has been creating. So we are seeking a look at God’s activity during a very, very small window. Nevertheless, we see it.

The Bible records numerous instances of God being active in his creation within this small window of time. He was involved directly with people who had personal encounters with him: Adam and Eve, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, the Prophets, Jesus, Paul the Apostle and the disciples John and Peter just to name a few.

He was also involved with activities: the creation itself, the Flood, the Exodus out of Egypt, the occupation of the Promised Land, and the Israelites throughout the Old Testament. Then there was silence for a period of about 400 years between the Old and New Testament when God seemed to be silent. That period ended in with the coming of John the Baptist to pave the way for the ministry of Jesus who equated John with Elijah (Luke 1:17)

(The lesson to be remembered about the silent period is that the silence of God for a period of time is not to be taken as the absence of God. Remember God is not governed by time because he existed before there was any time. That came about as a result of creation. Rather, God acted in the fullness of time, at the perfect time in history to bring Jesus to mankind, an act predestined by God in his plan before the creation of the world (Ephesians 1: 4-7 NLV).

Next week we will examine the evidence of God’s involvement for the time of the past 2000 years. You will be quite surprised!

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