In what ways is the Bible God’s operating manual for life?

The Bible is the best selling book of all times. It has guided and transformed hundreds of millions of lives down through the ages and continues to do the same today. It has provided mankind with truths for living, for developing personal core values, for defining one’s worldview, for establishing a moral compass, and for discovering God’s love and plan for redemption from sin and eternal life. But, there is much more to be gained from the Bible.

One of the amazing things about the Bible is that it actually does provide the information on how to live our lives. The basics for living a godly and satisfying life can be found in what are known as the Beatitudes which are Jesus’ words recorded in Matthew chapter 5. Throughout the New Testament there are many examples for dealing with man’s more common problems. However, the Bible should not be taken as a stand-alone troubleshooting guide. Equally important is to know and trust God and depend upon him. God stands ready to help throughout life and to give both guidance and wisdom if he is asked.

The apostle John, one of Jesus’ disciples, explained further the way to life with God: “Yet to all who received him (Jesus) to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.” (John 1:12-13) God’s children have direct access to God the Father on all issues of life. God’s operating manual offers help through all of life’s trials. As God’s children, they are welcome anytime to come before God knowing with confidence that he will listen and respond. It’s called prayer. Everyone who lives according to God’s inspired words and accepts Jesus as Savior will be blessed in this life and in the life to come.

Finally, if you have a Bible, you need to check out these books of wisdom: Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Song of Songs in the Old Testament. They along with the 10 Commandments (Exodus 20) and the Beatitudes referenced above (Matthew 5:2-11) will give you God’s basic operating manual for life. Reading, studying and internalizing the truth and wisdom contained in just these four of the 66 books of the Bible will provide guidance and a moral compass for living a meaningful and productive life that brings honor and glory to God.

Trying to live a Godly life without God to direct you will prove to be a futile task. If you have not placed your trust in God and would like to know how you can be assured of both eternal life and a fuller understanding of life on this earth, check out our Next Steps page.

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