This question seems to arise more frequently now as global culture and morality continues to deteriorate. Most Bible scholars note that the last significant prophetic event needed to be in place before the Rapture was the founding again of Israel as a nation after its 1900 years of dispersion.
Christians do not agree on every detail of what will occur in the final events of this world’s history. We don’t know the timing of “The Rapture” — the moment that Jesus Christ returns to earth–is described in the Bible in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17. Jesus comes for believers, both living and dead.
Jesus said when asked by the apostles about this event, “only the Father knows the day and the time.” (Matthew 24:36) Jesus also said, “that it would come like a thief in the night or when it is least expected.” We tell you the truth, this warning needs to be heeded. Now is the time to accept God’s gift of redemption and forgiveness and eternal life as no one would want to be left behind on earth immediately after the Rapture.
Now to the question of what it will be like on earth for those left behind. If, as many believe, the Rapture occurs before the “time of tribulation” described in Jesus’ Revelation to John at the end of the Bible, three little words describe what’s coming; panic, chaos and mayhem with a great amount of fear thrown in for good measure. Accidents will occur on a scale never imagined or experienced before and with that millions upon millions will die. Just think; planes in the air without pilots, cars without drivers, trains without engineers, etc. True believers in Jesus in every profession and place on the planet will disappear in an instant. Christian doctors, EMS crews, policemen, soldiers, and the like will no longer be there to provide care or protection.
Lastly, at that moment, the primary restraining forces of evil, the Holy Spirit and the Christian church will have departed planet Earth. Just use your imagination. Evil forces will be unchecked. Finally, with the Christians gone it opens the door for the Antichrist to make his appearance as a false peacemaker that the world will embrace during the Tribulation. For more of the story, read the book of Revelation in the Bible and just be sure that you know Jesus as your Savior so you won’t have to experience any of this horror.
If you’re not sure where you will be when Jesus returns, please consider becoming a Christian. Learn how at our post: How Can I Become a Christian?