What is Sanctification?

Sanctification is an important concept or process to understand in the life of a Christian. It’s much more than just a fancy word, sanctification simply means “to be set apart” for God’s exclusive possession as a reminder to us of God’s redeeming Grace that brings about our salvation. That gift of grace was the gift […]

Why do Christians believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God?

Followers of Christ and their Jewish counterparts believe that the scriptures, as we know them today, were written by men by the inspiration of God. The human authors who wrote the Bible did not do so by an act of their own will or natural inspiration. Rather, the Holy Spirit exerted supernatural influence upon these […]

How does One Become a Christian?

There is only one way to become a Christian. We must sincerely invite Jesus into our lives to be Lord and Savior, and allow ourselves to be born anew. When we do, we find new life in Jesus Christ and become a child of God. Through this transformation we find peace, joy and courage to […]

Why would anyone want to follow Jesus?

Life is about choices. We can choose to continue with business as usual, enjoying success based on the standards defined by our culture. Or we can take an honest look at the Jesus of the Bible and dare to ask what the consequences might be if we really believed and obeyed him. Each and every […]

I’ve become a Christian. Now what?

If you want to know how to live your new life with purpose, you’ll find lots of suggestions throughout the New Testament. there is no set formula for living a purposeful Christian life as God has endowed each individual with a unique set of gifts and talents to be used according to His will. Unlike […]

How Can I Become a Christian?

Maybe you’ve gone to church when you were younger, but never took that step to become a Christian. Maybe you’ve been living your life your own way and not taking into account what it takes to live life differently, one with meaning and purpose. Man looks on the outside but it’s really our hearts and […]

How do we know that Jesus was a real historical figure?

The historical writings of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Paul and Peter are among the best preserved and attested to of all ancient writings. However, for those who seek additional corroboration of the historical Jesus, one of the best sources is Josephus. This Jewish historian, who was born in Jerusalem in AD 37 and died in […]

Why should I follow Jesus?

Life is about choices. Decisions we make have outcomes that impact our lives, influence our behaviors, our beliefs and our relationships with others. We can choose to continue with business as usual, enjoying success based on the standards defined by our secular culture. Or, we can take an honest look at Jesus of the Bible […]

What does it mean to have faith in God?

The object of your faith reveals your heart, your earnest desire.  Faith alone is just a statement without substance.  You should want to trust in something or someone that is true and checks out with reality. In the Christian faith, Jesus Christ is the object of a person’s faith. Jesus’ life teachings, miracles, death on […]

How could Jesus be born to a virgin?

The Bible explains what is known as the virgin birth. She became pregnant not through a man, but through a supernatural act of God. “This is how the birth of Jesus the Messiah came about: His mother Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph, but before they came together, she was found to be […]